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 PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you.

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Loup St-James
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2016
Messages : 229

TROIAN PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 2244977064 :faint: :heyhey: excellent choix d'avatar ! Et puis le métier lui va à merveille. PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1912327057
Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche ! PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 2815617710 :love:
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Ondine L. Casanueva
★ she smelt like the sun
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015
Messages : 2111

le pseudo est vraiment trop cool PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 3212481378
bienvenue sur LRS et bonne chance pour ta fiche PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1752324381 :coeur:
si tu as la moindre question on est là meh
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Plum-Joane Lawson
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2016
Messages : 218

    Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne continuation pour ta fiche PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1752324381 :coeur:
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Phoebe Westmore
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2016
Messages : 65

merci les loulous. :love:
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Willa S. Miller
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2016
Messages : 456

La belle Troian :love:
Bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1752324381
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Bienvenue. PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1912327057
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troiaaaaaaaan PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 3670294848 PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 3670294848
bienvenue ici PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1752324381
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Phoebe Westmore
Date d'inscription : 19/03/2016
Messages : 65

merci bande de beaux gosses, fiche terminée PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1837440867
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Bienvenue parmi nous sur LRS :coeur:
Bon courage pour ta fiche PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 1752324381
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Théo Charpentier
membre du mois
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2016
Messages : 853

ce choix d'avatar PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. - Page 2 124560286
bienvenue :coeur:
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 PHOEBE (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you.
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» phoebe (+) follow your heart but take your brain with you. v.2
» I always come back to you - phoebe
» clay akerman + knock on my heart.
» i've got a fire for a heart (+) jack
» she's got a lion in her heart. (jordan)

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