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 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark.

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A. Jordan Anderson
- there's no more light in my sky -
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2016
Messages : 492

Ouh le beau gosse. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2244977064
Bienvenue parmi nous. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381
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Théo Charpentier
membre du mois
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2016
Messages : 853

Bienvenue :itslo:
Oh et.. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286
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Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche siffle I love you
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Keana S. Howard a écrit:
Gosh. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1550768444 Alors, déjà, excellent choix d'avatar, je suis amoureuse. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381 J'ai lu le début de ta fiche et j'aime beaucoup ta façon d'écrire, même si c'est que quelques infos sur ton perso. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 499076256
J'attends de lire l'histoire avec impatience. siffle
Bienvenue sur le forum, btw. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 3212481378

Merci, ça fait plaisirs ! J'adore Alycia pour ma part, alors comme ça on est deux à s'aimer. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 308446079 En tout cas merci encore, c'est gentil ! :aloha:

A. Jordan Anderson a écrit:
Ouh le beau gosse. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2244977064
Bienvenue parmi nous. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381

Merci, belle blonde. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1550768444

Théo Charpentier a écrit:
Bienvenue :itslo:
Oh et.. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 124560286

Arrête, Matthew est MAGNIFIQUEMENT PARFAIT. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 3212481378 Je souhaitais l'incarner ici au début, mais une fois le bottin visité et ben... il était déjà pris. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2393418842 En tout cas merci à toi ! Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1812937817

Asmodée Naili a écrit:
Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche siffle I love you

Merci à toi, j'aime beaucoup ton prénom. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381
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BIENVENITOS A TOI BO GOSS ! :gni: :perv: Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1912327057 :bed: Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2696476793
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Tobias Nelson a écrit:
BIENVENITOS A TOI BO GOSS ! :gni: :perv: Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1912327057 :bed: Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2696476793

J'suis trop content, tu m'as obéis. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 3967685106 Pour la peine tu auras ta récompense, car dans l'fond j'suis gentil. Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1812937817 Merci encore ! :bed:
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Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Julian A. Pearson a écrit:
Bienvenue parmi nous I love you

Merci ! Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381
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Loup St-James
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2016
Messages : 229

Quel canon Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2815617710 bienvenue sur le forum ! :gni: :love:
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Loup St-James a écrit:
Quel canon Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 2815617710 bienvenue sur le forum ! :gni: :love:

T'es pas mal non plus. :gni: Merci ! Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark. - Page 2 1752324381
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 Bastien (+) Scars we carry, carry with memories, memories burned by the dark.
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» midnight memories (jamie)
» (tobias) the marks humans leave are too often scars.
» Rosie • Our scars make us know that our past was for real
» Tobias N. Warren # You don’t deserve my image in your head. You don’t deserve my memories in your chest.

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